How To Prepare Your Roof & Guttering For Bushfire Season

How To Prepare Your Roof & Guttering For Bushfire Season

October 12, 2020
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roofing and guttering during bushfire season lismore

Ember attacks are the main cause of house fires in Australia, and with embers able to travel up to 40km ahead of the original fire, preparing your home is essential for ensuring your safety. As bushfire season approaches, thoroughly preparing your roof and guttering will help to protect both your home and any neighbouring properties.

Our roofing experts in Lismore like to share with you six ways to lower your property’s susceptibility to damage this bushfire season.

1. Clear your roof and gutters

Gutters which are blocked by dead leaves and twigs are a magnet for embers and can very quickly cause a fire to spread on your roof. You should also make sure to regularly check your roof tiles and clear away any debris that could be considered a fire hazard.

2. Install a gutter guard

A simple method for fire protection is installing a quality fire-rated gutter guard. This will prevent any dry debris or leaves from blocking your gutters and becoming fuel for flying embers. A gutter guard will also reduce the number of times you have to clean your gutters, saving you energy and money.

3. Repair damaged or missing tiles

Insulation and wooden beams are highly flammable; therefore, it is key that any gaps greater than 3mm in your rooftop are sealed or repaired ahead of bushfire season. Ember guards can also be used to cover any openings such as roof vents, lights and vent pipes.

4. Replace roof tiles with non-combustible metal roofing

If you are in a high-risk area, you should consider replacing your roof tiles with metal roofing. This is a high-cost investment, but it is more durable and offers a greater chance of fire prevention and survival. Metal roofing has fewer points of entry for embers and plant growth is much less likely. It is also a required standard for new homes in high-risk areas.

5. Installing a roof sprinkler system

An external rooftop sprinkler system will help to extinguish wind-borne embers before they quickly grow into a fire you cannot control. An expert plumber can help design a sprinkler system based on the likelihood of bushfires in your area and the requirements of your home, so you have an adequate water supply.

6. Check your insurance

Despite all your efforts, the most prepared home can still be lost during bushfire season, so it is critical you have up-to-date home and contents insurance cover. Many of us overlook the inclusion of bushfires, which can lead to devastating financial consequences. Make sure that as well as property damage caused by the fire, your insurance covers the cost of temporary accommodation and ask about precautionary requirements you will need to comply with to ensure a successful claim.

With the long, hot summer days comes the risk of bushfires. Contact Mid Richmond Plumbers for any roofing enquiries and expert advice to ensure you are prepared in time for the season.

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